
Deco is an augmented reality mobile app built with AngularJS 2 and Ionic 2. It uses image recognition to place a life-size 3d model of a piece of furniture on top of a physical marker recognized by the phone's camera. My contributions included the products page features implemented using AngularJS 2 with Ionic 2, adding Wikitude to display agumented reality view for furniture, and assisting with designing and implementing the database schema using Sequelize migrations CLI.


Your top-rated provider for world-class Realistic Artificial Memories. My contributions to the web is building the customer review pages using AJAX requests and AngularJS as well as building the data model by using Sequelize and building the back end using NodeJS and ExpressJS.

Dodge Ball Game

Player uses mouse to move around the player's ball to avoid collision with the opponents' balls. The enemy balls are falling down from the top to bottom. The user can update the speed, shape, and background music during the game. The balls are built using Three.js library. I am the sole contributor to this project.

About Me

I originally grew up in northern China, a beautiful port city called "Dalian". I came to the US when I was 19 years old. I am passionate about social causes; nothing would make me more fulfilled than building a better world by helping people learn how to code. I also love to travel, bask in the glory of beautiful weather, and my beloved cat Penny.